ActivTek Environmental Awarded SMACNA Brazil Highlights of the Year Award for Second Time

25 de setembro de 2013

Fonte: –

Dallas, TX, September 18, 2013 –

For the second time, activTek Brazil has been awarded the prestigious SMACNA Highlights of the Year Award as a supplier of state-of-the-art technology to the new Datacenter of Santander Banking Hub in the city of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

SMACNA is the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, with chapters in the U.S, Canada, Australia, and Brazil, and Direct Members in England, India, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Cayman Islands, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, Singapore and South Africa. SMACNA’s Highlights of the Year Award distinguishes air handling system clients, contractors, manufacturers, and installers through recognition of technical achievements in thermal engineering. Since 1994, awards have been presented to Hotel Hilton/SP, Ford Motor Co. – Camaçari/BA, Citibank N.A. /SP, Daimler-Chrysler/Mercedes Benz – SBC/SP, and a number of other well-known organizations, their contractors and suppliers.

Presented on August 22nd in Sao Paulo to Santander Bank, the award recipients included activTek Brazil along with other key suppliers and installers for their expertise and contributions to the new banking Datacenter. activTek Brazil was directly involved in the process of specification and installation, working directly with the bank and installation contractors throughout the 12 month long project. “The activTek Brazil team led by Henrique Cury has put forth an outstanding effort once again and we believe this latest achievement is something every activTek Distributor can be proud of worldwide,” says Joseph P. Urso, Chairman and CEO of activTek/DBG Group Investments LLC.

activTek Brazil utilized numerous MI-1500 units during the construction of the Datacenter to reduce floating dust and particles, enhance air quality and improve the lives of the employees at the construction site. Based on previous success cases, the units were also used to meet the requirements for LEED Credit 3.1 from the Green Building Council. These requirements ask for better air quality during the construction. “Proof of this success has come back as an award that we are all proud of, and subsequently, several other projects are underway using our exclusive technology,” explained Anil Agrawal, Vice President of activTek Environmental. “activTek would like to congratulate the Brazilian Team on a job very well done and express our appreciation for all they’re doing.”

About activTek

activTek Environmental / DBG Group Investments, LLC., is part of the Aerus Holdings family of companies. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas with manufacturing facilities in Bristol, Virginia, activTek Environmental was established upon a history of proven pioneering success in the air purification industry. Today activTek is part of a corporate family with more than 85 years experience engineering, developing, testing, and bringing to market products designed to create healthier indoor environments.

activTek focuses on delivering environmental conditioning products to the heating and air conditioning industry, residential new construction market, hospital and medical facilities, food service industry, and general commercial markets. For each of these segments, activTek continues to develop products, knowledge, training, and innovative ways to meet the increasing demand for improving and maintaining healthier living spaces.

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